Why you are NOT seeing Results!
Everyone gets motivated by results-big or small, surface or skin deep; we all get a little fire inside us when we see the fruits of our labour. So why are we not seeing them enough?? I get this question a lot and there are actually many reasons as to why you are not seeing results. When things are moving or you feel like you are plateauing, these could be the reason.
- You are not changing up your exercises. In order for muscles to keep growing, you need to progressively change it up and try new moves. This will ensure you are getting every angle possible!
- You are not eating enough! Yes I know, right!!! This is actually the problem for most. In order to build muscle, you need to eat more food. And not just anything- but good carbs, proteins, and fats. This will make sure you have enough energy in your tank and muscle to use. In turn you will burn more at rest making this a win win situation. Ain’t no time for just a salad!!!
- You are not lifting enough weights. Lifting heavy helps your muscles to grow and get stronger. If you want to see change, pick up weights that will challenge you. If you are lifting weights that feel like you could do 100 squats or curls, then it’s time to upgrade. You should feel challenged all them time!
- You are not resting enough. It’s sometimes hard to imagine that when you don’t rest and get enough sleep that your muscles will not respond but this is true and one of the hardest for serious fitness fanatics! When you lift heavy and are progressing with different moves, you actually split your muscle and it needs food and rest to recover. During that recovery, it will grow-making you see results. If you do not give it rest-by days off, active recovery (walks), and sleep, it will become inflamed and overused. This can have a negative affect on your performance and results.
If you need help with programming that works for you and your needs, please reach out and I would be happy to chat about your goals and how you can start seeing results!!
For more workout and exercise tips, visit my website at www.beactivelivebetter.com or social channels: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/balbonlinestudio Instagram https://www.instagram.com/balbonlinestudio/
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