The GOOD in New Year’s Resolutions
You either are YAY or NAY when it comes to resolutions! They pack a big punch and often are loaded with empty promises. But for those that rely on setting goals and need a change-a resolution or rather a Goal can help kickstart their journey.
I find that over the years, New Year’s resolutions have become a negative thing. The memes start rolling in around mid December about “what NOT to do in January” and the fitness industry becomes the forefront of a social driven campaign. Traditionally, resolutions were a yearly promise you made to yourself to be better-whether that meant being a better human or working on yourself-it was all positive intentions. SO where did things go wrong?
Social media can inflict a lot of pressure toward looking a certain way and what better time to start than January?!! The problem with this is that you may not be ready in January or February or….the whole year. If you want to start making positive changes in your life you need to be mentally ready. If you are forced into something or feel it’s societies code to better yourself starting in January, you are most likely going to “fall off the wagon” and just sit in the puddle of shame.
So where was I? Right….the good in resolutions!
I have coached many over the years and I promote making changes in everyday habits. I believe in goal setting and re-writing your script whatever month you decide too. I like the idea of starting off the year with positive intentions because when you are starting a new chapter you have to turn the page! So flipping into a new year is one of the best times to START because of the notion of NEW. However, if you are ready for it, you can make big changes in your everyday life-no big firework display happening but just small daily habits that can change your life.
Here are my top five tips to help make a New Year’s resolution into a realistic goal.
- Write down a list of things you want to accomplish or do in the year. Once you identify what you want to get done, you can order them from small to big and start establishing a time line of what to tackle first.
- Make a list of your priorities. Money, family, friends, travel, fitness, etc. Whatever is important to you should be on the top of the list. Once you know what you value, it’s easy to make decisions based on them and how you spend most of your time.
- Find people, places, or things to help you with your list. For example, if you want to save more, search out an investment consultant. If you want to get more fit, search out a personal trainer. If you want to travel, seek out a travel agent or research places to see. Lining up professionals and doing your research makes your goals realistic and achievable.
- Start NOW! Seems kind of odd for a new years resolution tip but if you want to make a change, then why wait? You do not need to wait until a certain month if you are determined and ready. A resolution is change…so go for it!
- DO NOT FEED INTO WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA SAYS YOU SHOULD DO! This one needs to be in CAPS!!! Goals are specific to you and your needs. So stick to your lists and keep positive. No one has time for negativity!
Happy Goal Setting!
#goalsetting #resolutions #onlinebalbcommunity #change #motivation #newyear