It’s OK To Not Feel Ok

Michelle Latocha
4 min readOct 14, 2020


Have you ever gone from, “I am winning this thing they called life!” to “I don’t want to face another day-I can’t do this!”

I am here to let you know that I think it’s completely normal to have good days and bad ones. Life can get pretty crazy at times and can be uncertain but it’s important to remember that you are not alone.

We are starting to talk about mental health a lot more which is a great thing but I feel there is still more work to be done. In my opinion, we cannot just reserve one day to mental awareness-this should be preventative which means let’s put in place reach outs, programs, awareness each day so everyone can understand the signs and more importantly that it is OK not feel ok.

Mental health does not mean you are having a mental breakdown, or that you are severely depressed, or that you can’t think rationally. These are all misconceptions and in times a result of not taking care of your mind. We as a society place a lot more emphasis on physical health. If you went to the doctors and were classified as obese with high cholesterol and blood pressure, you would be prescribed medications and told to lose some weight and (hopefully) become more physically active. However does the doctor ever ask how your mind is feeling? I am going to answer for you and say…9/10 NO!

I am an advocate of physical, mental and spiritual health. I believe that in order to feel good and live your best life, you need to work on all three areas. I also believe that working these three areas will drastically improve your mental state and therefore are necessary to your overall health.

Here are three ways you can work on each aspect of your health daily.

  1. Physical Health

You should be moving that body of yours daily for at least 30 min of continuous activity that elevates your heart rate. And three times a week you should engage in strength based exercises that will build lean muscle and keep your joints and bones healthy! I have full body online programs I lead daily with complete motivation and interaction and instruction at

2. Mental Health

Daily affirmations, mediation and gratitude journals are amazing for your mind and mental health. They help clear space and make you grateful for everything you have. When you are able to sit quietly with your thoughts and map out what you could work on and what brings you joy, in time you become more centered and content with your life. Just like getting in shape, it does not happen overnight. Becoming grateful is something you need to work on.

3. Spiritual Health

This can be confusing to most. When we hear the word spiritual we either think of hippies in the woods chanting to the trees or religion. I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be either (however either one of those is great too!). To be spiritual is to feel connected to our earth and a higher power-whatever that may look like to you. Getting outside daily and connecting with nature is a great way to start. Have you ever walked barefoot on the grass or sat by the ocean and listened to the waves crashing? These are therapeutic things that can make your soul happy. Again, gaining spirituality is not going to happen overnight. Try something each day and see how you feel. You may surprise yourself.

Life is too damn short to not give 100% effort. So sweat, write, read, feel-these actions will not only help you stay connected but bring you closer to living your best life!

Live it up!

Remember, you are not alone. If you need help or want someone to talk to-pick up a phone and call someone.

Lastly consistency is key! Work on all three aspect of health every day and watch yourself grow physically, mentally, and spiritually!

With love,


#mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spirtualhealth #yougothis #balbcommunity



Michelle Latocha
Michelle Latocha

Written by Michelle Latocha

Michelle empowers busy women to live their best life through health and fitness. She has an online fitness studio and offers confidence coaching for women

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