3 myths about plant-based nutrition

Michelle Latocha
5 min readMar 11, 2021


We are hearing the word plant-based nutrition more and more in our society. Already, we can see some misinformation creeping up on social media and news. I’ve done some research and want to demystify some of the false beliefs that are out there.

Here’s the top 3 myths found circulating:

Plant-based nutrition is unnatural

Plant-based nutrition is in fact the original Paleo diet. We once believed that early humans consumed a large proportion of animal protein in their diet. It is from that belief that, in the 2000s, the Paleo diet (mainly comprised of animal protein) became really popular in the world of nutrition and diet. Although, we now know that the nutrition of bipedal primates and Homo sapiens was primarily composed of nuts, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds and water. In that case, the “original” Paleo Diet was in reality plant-based eating.

Plant-based nutrition is a fancy term for a vegan diet

In the world of nutrition, plant-based eating is having a large portion of one’s nutrition coming from vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, whole grains and also include legumes or other plants. A spectrum of plant-based nutrition options is available to you. Some are very strict (vegan diet), others are still adding animal products like dairy (vegetarian) and at the other end of the spectrum are those that still eat meat, poultry and fish on an occasional basis. Plant-based eating can be for everyone, the main idea is to add more vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and legumes.

Plant-based nutrition is not for athletes

It was once believed that you needed to add animal protein in your meals to increase muscle mass. In fact, the strongest mammal is the gorilla (most are herbivores). It has the ability to lift around 4409 lbs. that is 10 times its body weight. It would be like a 200 lb. individual lifting 2000 lb. If other mammals can live a healthy and strong life on a plant-based nutrition, we probably can too. Some studies and athletes have demonstrated that it is possible to increase muscles and be fit with a plant-based nutrition. For example, one of the best runners of all time and American ultramarathoner, Scott Jurek is known to be a plant-based eater!

The 3 Principal Reasons to Start Plant-Based Nutrition Now

1) Improve your health: Most Americans consume double the recommended daily intake of protein which can also cause issues with digestion. By reducing your intake of animal food, you will most likely reach the recommended daily intake of protein without surpassing it. In addition, an increased consumption of vegetables, grains and beans will bring more fiber into your nutrition. Most Americans don’t consume enough fiber and that can lead to inflammation of the digestive tract, constipation and hemorrhoids.

2) Succeed in weight loss and weight management: In general, individuals who are on a plant-based nutrition tend to consume fewer calories than other types of nutrition. That is because most of their calories are coming from healthier options and fewer calories per weight. Some studies indicate that individuals who had a plant-based nutrition with reduce sodium consumption (2300–1500 mg a day) showed a reduction in blood pressure and increased weight loss.

3) Prevent or manage a chronic disease: Research demonstrates that individuals on a plant-based nutrition can prevent or manage chronic disease. A report published by the World Health Organization recommended that a daily intake of 400 g of fruits and vegetable would contribute to preventing chronic diseases which include diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity.

While thousands of research demonstrate the health benefit of consuming vegetables as a way to prevent illness, many of us still refuse to change our nutritional habits to increase our quality of life and health. Many people believe that exercising, medication and supplements are sufficient to maintain health. Meanwhile, experts in the field of health and wellness say that weight management is 75–80% nutrition and 20–25% exercise. The best approach remains a balanced nutrition with a lot of variety and refrain from overindulging.

5 things you can do to adopt a plant-based nutrition

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Plant-based eating means that you have a large proportion of your meal that comes from plant-based food. That said, fruits and vegetables are often the number one thing that comes to mind when we think of a plant-based nutrition.

Increase your fiber intake

Fiber is lacking in the nutrition of Americans. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Aim for food that is high in fiber such as black beans, bran cereals, or even broccoli.

Focus on plant-based protein

Try switching the protein type in your meals so that it comes from plant as opposed to animals. For example, make a salad with chickpeas instead of chicken or avocado instead of beef. Not only will this help you reduce your meat consumption, it will also help you not surpass the daily intake recommendation for protein since the average American eat twice the recommended daily intake.

Try new recipes

One of the most difficult parts about adapting to plant-based eating is to adopt new habits in the kitchen. It is strongly recommended to try new recipes as opposed to try to adapt your old recipes to a plant-based nutrition. For example, a plant-based Mac and Cheese does not have the same taste and texture as the real stuff.

Don’t be extreme

Plant-based eating can be for everyone, the main idea is not to “diet” or remove something from your nutrition but more about adding more vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and legumes. For those of you who love their steak or burgers once in a while, you don’t have to completely eliminate animal-based food. You can certainly reduce it by making more meals that are plant-based.

Now it’s time to put your learning into action. Slow and steady is a great approach to change habits. This is not a diet but a way of living so have fun with it!

I recently decided to focus on increasing more plant protein into our families diet and purchased this recipe book.


This book has amazing recipes full of flavour and has nice pictures to show too!! (who doesn’t love pictures:)) If we all do our part to reduce meat consumption, I think our planet will thank us!

Happy Plant Eating:)



Michelle Latocha
Michelle Latocha

Written by Michelle Latocha

Michelle empowers busy women to live their best life through health and fitness. She has an online fitness studio and offers confidence coaching for women

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